Code could be tested on emulator below:
define GREEN $5
define BLUE $6
define YELLOW $7
define PURPLE $8
;set screen start address list significant bit and most significant bit
define screen_start_lsb $00 ; low bit of pixel 1 address
define screen_start_msb $02 ; high bit of pixel 2 address
;pixel one is at address 0200
define pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb $0 ; RAM address 0, that will store current pixel
define pointer_to_pixel_1_msb $1 ; RAM address 1
define index_at_end_of_row $20 ; dec 32
; screen is 32 pixels wide
;will be using memory location $0
; to store screen lsb, and $1 msb
;6502 is little-endian, so 16 bin (2 byte) values stored with lsb first
lda #screen_start_lsb ; lda loads value into register 'A'
sta pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb ; sta stores value of regiser 'A' into RAM
lda #screen_start_msb
sta pointer_to_pixel_1_msb
;4 lines above represent 'zero addressing mode', since within first 265 bytes ($0000-$00FF)
ldy #$00 ; set index to 0
color_horisontal_lines: ; begining of a loop that colors
lda #GREEN
sta (pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb),y ; store value of 'A' (color green)
; into address of first pixel plus index.
;this is example of pointer arythmetics, where 'Y' will be
;an offset from pixel 1
sta $05E0, y ;collor bottom left pixel + y offset
cpy #index_at_end_of_row
bne color_horisontal_lines ; will continue to loop, untill finished line
ldx #$04 ;four pages per screen
sta (pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb),y
lda pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb
adc #$1f
sta pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb ;now we incremented pointer,
; so it points to different pixel
lda #BLUE
sta (pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb),y
;inc pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb; trying to increase value in mem, did not work
lda pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb ; then let's load it to 'A', and then increment
adc #$01
sta pointer_to_pixel_1_lsb
bcc color_sides
inc pointer_to_pixel_1_msb
bne color_sides