This will be a blog about my journey to becoming the real programmer. I began learning programming about 3 years ago. Some posts might have quite a bit of grammatical/syntactic errors: my editors don't speak English very well.
I am starting my blog with this set of skills:
- I don't know Java and JavaScript at all (how did I even pass these courses?)
I don't know any assembly language, but will probably learn some basics soon.
I know basics of C, but I never used 'malloc'
- I know basics of C++, even used 'New'. I think I forgot object oriented part of it, though.
- I can code in Python, because it is easy.
- I know a little theory about algorithms and data structures.
- I was able to solve day 3 but I had to have some little help to solve day 5
- I know Linux better then Windows.
- I am quite okay with Git, but also stagnated a bit. (I know how to do:
$ git checkout -b <branchName> --track origin/<master>
And I think once you know that, you can survive, and probably stay at this level for years)
- I am a pro at procrastination and excuses, but I am working on it with intermittent success.
My goal for the next 3 months to:
- learn assembly basics
- find particular open-source community that will -keep my motivation up -allow me to learn more Linux kernel/driver dev
- improve my productivity and focus
- improve my programming skills