lab3 work in progress


3 min read

We did it in class in a group this one is in progress of adding one more digit, so it could show numbers from 00 to 99, but right now it is just has one digit active.

define WIDTH     8 ; width of graphic
define HEIGHT     8 ; height of graphic

define DIGIT        $10;
define DIGIT_HIGH    $11;
define DIGIT2           $14;
define DIGIT2_HIGH      $15;
define SCREEN        $12;
define SCREEN_HIGH    $13;
define ROWS        $20;
define DATA        $35;
define COLUMN        $40;
define INPUT        $ff;

    lda #<zero    ; store digit
    sta DIGIT
    lda #>zero
    sta DIGIT_HIGH

    lda #<zero      ;store another digit
    sta DIGIT2
    lda #>zero
    sta DIGIT2_HIGH

 reset:    lda #$85    ; pointer to the middle of the screen
     sta SCREEN
     lda #$03
     sta SCREEN_HIGH

     lda #$00    ; number of rows we've drawn
     sta ROWS

     ldx #$00    ; index for data
    stx DATA

     ldy #$00    ; index for screen column
    sty COLUMN

 draw:    ldy DATA
    lda (DIGIT),y    ; get data
    inc DATA

    ldy COLUMN
    sta (SCREEN),y    ; print data
    inc COLUMN

    lda COLUMN
     cmp #WIDTH    ; check if done printing row
     bne draw    ; if not done keep drawing

     inc ROWS    ; increment row counter

     lda #HEIGHT    ; check if done all printing
     cmp ROWS
     beq next    ; ...exit if we are

     lda SCREEN    ; load pointer
     adc #$20    ; add 32 to drop one row
     sta SCREEN
     lda SCREEN_HIGH    ; carry to high byte if needed
     adc #$00
     sta SCREEN_HIGH

     ldy #$00
    sty COLUMN    ; reset column
     beq draw

draw2:    ldy DATA
    lda (DIGIT),y    ; get data
    inc DATA

    ldy COLUMN
    sta (SCREEN),y    ; print data
    inc COLUMN

    lda COLUMN
     cmp #WIDTH    ; check if done printing row
     bne draw    ; if not done keep drawing

     inc ROWS    ; increment row counter

     lda #HEIGHT    ; check if done all printing
     cmp ROWS
     beq next    ; ...exit if we are

     lda SCREEN    ; load pointer
     adc #$20    ; add 32 to drop one row
     sta SCREEN
     lda SCREEN_HIGH    ; carry to high byte if needed
     adc #$00
     sta SCREEN_HIGH

     ldy #$00
    sty COLUMN    ; reset column
     beq draw

 next:    lda INPUT
    beq next    ; wait for key input (- and +)

    ldx #$00    ; reset input pointer
    stx INPUT

    cmp #$2d
    beq minus    ; - pressed?
    cmp #$3d
    beq plus    ; + pressed?
    jmp next    ; infinitely loop

 minus:    lda DIGIT
    cmp #<zero
    bne mfin    ; is it not zero?

    ldx DIGIT_HIGH
    cpx #>zero
    beq mfin2    ; is it zero?

 mfin:    sec        ; set carry
    sbc #$40    ; subtract 64
    sta DIGIT
    lda DIGIT_HIGH
    sbc #$00    ; subtract carry
    sta DIGIT_HIGH
    jmp reset

 mfin2:    lda #<nine    ; change digit to nine
    sta DIGIT
    lda #>nine
    sta DIGIT_HIGH
    jmp reset

 plus:    lda DIGIT
    cmp #<nine
    bne pfin    ; is it not nine?

    ldx DIGIT_HIGH
    cpx #>nine
    beq pfin2    ; is it nine?

 pfin:    clc        ; clear carry
    adc #$40    ; add 64
    sta DIGIT
    lda DIGIT_HIGH
    adc #$00    ; add carry
    sta DIGIT_HIGH
    jmp reset

 pfin2:    lda #<zero    ; change digit to zero
    sta DIGIT
    lda #>zero
    sta DIGIT_HIGH
    jmp reset

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